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CACP/Motorola Solutions Community Safety & Well-Being Award

This award has been established to recognize outstanding effort and contributions to improving community safety and well-being in Canada through the process of inter- or multi-sector partnership, community mobilization, shared issue/problem ownership, shared outcomes and shared measurement.

The award underscores a growing commitment among government, community-based, academic and private sector organizations to think differently about human service delivery, when and how it is applied, in what configuration it is delivered, and how success is defined.

Community safety and well-being (CSWB) embodies the process of interaction between community outcomes and social infrastructure that is achieved through multi-sector partnership. 

A key goal is to strengthen relationships between police and the citizens/communities they serve through a focus on collaborative partnerships between police, the public and other agencies such as social services, education, health services, as well other community-based organizations. 

Two awards will be presented at the CACP Annual Conference to recognize each of the following:

  1. A CSWB program or project;
  2. An individual whose leadership and/or innovativeness has made a significant contribution to the emerging field of community safety and well-being within the policing sector, in a community, at the provincial or national level.

Annually, up to three (3) awards will be presented in categories at the federal, provincial and local levels. 

This award is sponsored by Motorola Solutions


  • Bring well-deserved recognition to those who have shown leadership, innovative thinking and perseverance in making significant contributions;
  • Share best thinking among agencies and the broader CSWB sector, as well as to encourage other teams to develop and adopt new approaches that will support improvements at the local, regional or national levels;
  • Recognize the leadership efforts of Canadian police personnel in building partnerships, integration and teamwork, and innovative program design and delivery to enhance community safety and well-being at the local, regional or national levels.

Eligibility Criteria

This award is open to all police agencies and their employees, as well as to integrated teams in which the police are full members:

  • Individuals, teams/groups are eligible;
  • Emphasis will be placed on those that involve a partnership with other community/sector partners.

Selection Criteria

The initiative must have contributed to, or be a robust example of one or more of the following:

  • Development and implementation of innovative CSWB strategies, programs or projects;
  • Improvements in CSWB at the local, regional or national levels.
  • The strategy, project or program should have completed a full cycle to be considered successful. Success includes both the planning and implementation phases, but the experiences and lessons learned (i.e. “process”) that followed the new practice/approach.

Furthermore, the initiative must show clear evidence of being:

  • Evidence-based;
  • Community-centred;
  • Outcomes-focused;
  • Partnership-driven.

Nomination Process

Nominations for this award may be submitted by anyone inside or outside of policing. However, each nomination must include the endorsement of a senior officer (Chief or Deputy Chief or equivalent) within the nominated policing organization concerned.

Submissions for this award should include a description of:

  • The project, program or initiative that details how well it was achieved against the above-mentioned selection criteria;
  • Why the project, program or initiative was undertaken;
  • How the project, program or initiative is an example of effective and continuous commitment to the pursuit of safe and healthy communities;
  • An assessment of the achieved results;
  • Additional information on how the project, program or initiative will likely unfold in the future;
  • How the process of a multi-sectoral approach created a better experience of the human services system for both the people whom the program was designed to support and the service providers, regardless of progress on the objective criteria targeted by the program.

Nominations may be submitted in both English and French

Supporting materials must not exceed a maximum of ten (10) pages, single-sided.

We encourage the inclusion of support materials to demonstrate the scope of the application; support material such as videos, CDs and promotional material may be emailed to or mailed separately to Taylor Piovesan at Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, 300 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 0E3. Please include a clear reference to the Nomination Form submitted electronically.

Selection Process

  • The CACP national office will submit all nominations received to the CSWB Award Selection Committee.
  • The CSWB Award Selection Committee will establish a peer review panel comprised of CSWB professionals that will, in turn, review and score each of the nomination packages against the established set of criteria.
  • Upon completion of the evaluation process, the CACP national office will contact the chief(s) of police of the successful nominee(s), and an invitation will be sent to the award winner(s) with additional details about the award ceremony.


  • April 15 - Deadline to submit nominations
  • May 31 - Deadline for the selection committee to complete the evaluation process
  • June - Successful nominee(s) and their Chief are notified
  • August - Awards are presented at the CACP Annual Summit

Nomination Form