CACP/Axon Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Award
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award is aimed at an individual and/or team whose achievement is not part of their normal day job, but who continues to show a personal passion for achieving equity, diversity and inclusion in their police agency. We are looking for outstanding candidates who have innovated, impressed and made a real difference in enhancing community trust and creating a corporate culture that is fair, supportive and inclusive. We are looking for an individual and/or team that has championed leadership behaviours consistent with the concepts of equity, diversity and inclusion, as defined by the CACP Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee:
Equity is fairness; making sure everyone has what they need to succeed and removing barriers that disadvantage some groups over others. This is different than treating people equally, which is behind the concept of “equality.”
Diversity is the range of visible and non-visible qualities, experiences, and identities that shape who we are, how we think, and how we engage with and are perceived by the world. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical or mental disabilities, religious/spiritual beliefs, or political ideologies. They can also include differences such as personality, style, capabilities, thoughts and perspectives.
Inclusion is recognizing, welcoming and making space for diversity. An inclusive organization capitalizes on the diversity of ideas, experiences, skills and talents of all employees.
This award is sponsored by Axon Public Safety Canada.
Eligibility Criteria
- Canadian police, sheriffs, military, and transportation police agencies are eligible.
- Groups within agencies such as divisions, sections and detachments are eligible.
- The nomination must be endorsed by a senior officer.
Selection Criteria
- Describe the extent to which the candidate’s activities have contributed to raising awareness and consciousness about equity, diversity and inclusion, as defined by the Committee on equity, diversity and inclusion.
- Describe the extent to which the activities have promoted a work environment that is welcoming, supportive and nurturing of cultural, ethnic, racial, class, gender, sexual orientation, language and other human differences.
- What methodology was used for enhancing community trust or inclusivity in the workplace? Describe the initiative and innovation demonstrated by the program or project. Include any quality assurance or performance metrics. For individuals, describe their specific contributions and the level of leadership demonstrated. This can be for a specific program or a series of activities promoting equity, diversity and inclusion.
- What are the benefits to the law enforcement profession? This can include building community trust and involvement or an inclusive work environment and community, replication by other agencies, or enhancing enforcement and public safety.
- What were the results? How did the program or individual endeavors contribute to the enhancement of the work environment or the community?
Nomination Process
- Nominations must be submitted to the CACP by April 15th.
- Download and complete the Nomination Form, including the signature of the chief of police or the senior executive-in-charge of the individual(s) being nominated.
- Electronic submissions are encouraged. Email the completed Nomination Form to .
- Support material such as videos, CDs and promotional material may be mailed separately to: Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, 300 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 100, Ottawa, Ontario K2K 0E3. Please include a clear reference to the Nomination Form submitted electronically.
Selection Process
- The CACP National Office will submit the nominations received to the Selection Committee.
- The Selection Committee consists of members of the CACP Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
- Once a winning submission is chosen by the Selection Committee, the winning nominee(s)’ chief of police or senior executive-in-charge will be contacted, and an invitation will be sent to the winning nominee(s) with details about the award ceremony.
- April 15th: Deadline to submit nominations
- May 31st: Deadline for the Selection Committee to choose a winning submission
- June: The winning nominee(s) is/are notified
- August: The award will be announced/presented at the CACP Annual Summit. [Note: Travel will be provided to the winning recipient(s).]