CACP Endorsement Policy & Procedure
August 20, 2005
Except as provided in this policy statement the CACP does not endorse private commercial publication or product. No publication, bulletin, announcement, advertising material, letterhead, or other document or article or thing other that the official publications and products of the association shall bear any insignia, monogram, or other mark of the association in a manner implying the approval thereof has been secured from CACP.
The association also recognizes that endorsements and expressions of support and co-sponsorship of certain activities conducted by others in public service may serve the best interest of the association and its membership. When such requests like these are made of the association, pursuant to the policies adopted by the Executive Committee, they are to be reviewed by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of the CACP pursuant to this policy. The Executive or Board of Directors, when endorsing a program/activity, only endorse the programs/activities in principal, its mandate, objectives, beliefs or values.
The following is the established process for bringing requests for endorsements before the leadership of the CACP:
A) All such requests must be presented to the Executive Director of the CACP no less than 60 days in advance of a scheduled meeting of the Executive/Board of Directors.
B) Requests must be made in writing and must provide specific information explaining the program or activity proposed, details about the parent organization requesting support, the mandate, objectives, beliefs and values of the program/activity and reasons for seeking
CACP support.
C) Requests should also address the following questions:
How will the activity be produced? In what quantity? In what time-frame?
What need is being met by this activity?
How will the program/product be delivered?
How will the activity be promoted?
What are the resources (human, financial, technical, material, information management and time) implications of the activity? This includes but is not limited to conceptualization, development, testing, production, warehousing and distribution (possibly through middlemen) to end-users.
What are the implications (human, financial, material and time) of a demand, which dramatically exceeds or falls short of predictions?
What check and balance does the requesting organization have in place to ensure that their membership and volunteers are free of allegations of criminal activity and are of ethical behavior?
How do they maintain the desired level of organizational standard?
Does the organization have the written support of any Chiefs of Police? In the affirmative, the Chief's name and coordinates are to be provided.
D) The Executive Director will review the application submitted. If the applicant has responded sufficiently to the questions above, the request may be referred to an appropriate CACP committee for review and comment.
E) The Executive Director will prepare a statement of findings, along with any committee comments, and send them to the CACP President who will place the request before the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
These procedures can, under extraordinary circumstances as determined by special vote of the Executive or Board of Directors, be suspended so as to allow for the consideration of an endorsement request at any time.
Decision Criteria:
The primary concern of the CACP is to maintain its good name and reputation
Greater Public Interest
Common Sense
Police related program
Large and reputable organization
Program with potential (Regional program that will become National Program)
Consistent with CACP Mission, Vision, Strategic Direction and Priorities
Consistency with the CACP Ethical Framework and values
Mandate, objectives, beliefs and values support safer and healthier communities
Executive and Board of Directors discretion
The CACP reserves the right to suspend or withdraw its endorsement at any time for cause.